Monday, November 17, 2008

Who Do You Believe In???

"I can't close my eyes cuz all I see is terror, I hate the man in the mirror cus his reflections make the pain turn realer..." Tupac Shakur
This is assignment 4 for digital media. I chose the quote above from a Tupac Shakur song titled, "Who Do You Believe In?". I wanted to create a very emotional image by having it mostly black and white with subtle hints of realistic color in the mirror. Is what you see in the mirror a painful reality? Perhaps. The lyrics are represented by backwards ingravings in the mirror while the word realer is outside of the mirror and foward. I added a drop shadow to represent the seperation between two different realities. What do you see in your own reflections and how does that display your true character?

1 comment:

Камиль said...

You really transfered the message well from the words to the poster. You can really sense the mood you were trying to portray.